Monday, August 6, 2007

A day in Papke's family life............

Hello Everyone, Well it's been a year and we have adjusted to canada very well... We love it..... Josh likes his job alot. He is a very busy man with work and with his family and time for himself. He has been biking some too. He rode his bike up to the highest paved spot in canada which is called Highwood pass. He will be riding from Jasper to Banff on the Icefield Parkway, which actually you can see some Ice glaciers. He has been mountain biking in British Columbia (next province over). Josh went to England in Feb. He love it. He has been doing lots of travel. Which has been great for him to see lots of different areas.

Jillian is almost 4 years old. She is a very busy little girl. She is a very girlly girl. She does not wear anything but dresses and dance tutu's. She loves to dance her way around the house. She likes craft time too. Jillian is starting to read, which amazes Josh and I. She can write her full name and some of her numbers up to 10. She loves to learn and be challenged.

Clayton is are comedian. He is always making silly faces, words or sounds. He is almost 2 years old. He is five times more active then Jillian. He loves to follow his big sister around and do what she is doing. He cleans his hands by himself. He loves to go peepee on the potty. He learned how to ride a bike just last month. I think we have a future lance armstrong on our hands.. HAHAHA

For me, I am doing well, very busy.. I have been doing lots of running. I ran a race called Kanankis 100 mile relay run. Which the same highwood pass road that josh rode his bike on. The race was 100 miles broken down in to 10 legs. I ran leg four which was 16.5 Kilometers. about 10-11 miles. I climb about 1500 feet. The run was very beautiful. I did well considering the conditions, strong head wind, and elevation troubles. I finished in 1hour 34mins. There is a 1/2 marathon in two weeks that I am thinking about running. Josh and I will be going to Victoria in Oct so I can ran a half marathon.